Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Great News!

I found out yesterday that I have received a promotion! I'm very excited for this new opportunity for me! Currently, I work for a Human Resources company, where I help hire people for new jobs. I also help people move up the ladder in their company. Previously, I did testing for people, where I would have role-plays to see how people would be in their new roles. After my promotion, I will be organizing all of the role-plays that my colleagues do! I even get a raise! My new title is "Project Manager!" I'm very excited for this, but shhh! I'm not allowed to tell anyone at work until April!

Vocabulary words

Promotion (noun) - advancement in rank or position
Opportunity (noun) - a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success
Human Resources (noun) - a division of a company which works with the employment needs of a company
"Move Up the Ladder" (idiom) - to consistently make one's way through a company
Role-plays (verb) - to experiment with or experience by pretending to be a character
Organize (verb) - to make into a certain structure
Allowed (verb) to give permission to or for

Now see if you can fit these vocabulary words in other sentences!

My mom _____________ me to go to the park! But before I could, I had to ____________ my book shelf in my room.

I talked to the head of ____________________ when I was hired.

When I got my __________________________, it came with a raise! Now I can really _________________________!

Rebecca, if you have time, can we do some ______________________ to prepare for my audition tomorrow?

Can I please go to the show, dad? Its a great __________________ to see my favorite band!

Grammar Point: When discussing something exciting, its good to show your excitement using exclamation points! How many exclamation points did I use in my paragraph?


  1. Congratulations on your promotion! That is exciting news. I wish you luck.

  2. Congrats on your promotion! I'm sure you are awesome in HR.. but can't wait to welcome you to the teaching world ;)

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